Solar panels are often installed according to the dimensions and orientations of one's house. (Read more on considerations that are to be taken into account when installing solar panels here.) To have them removed to a new location would require entirely retrofitting the system on to a property they were not originally designed for. This comes with additional logistics costs alongside the costs of repairing any damages on the roof where the panels had originally been installed.

The chief consideration when it comes to additional investing in a PV system is the efficiency of the panels. In the case of old panels, in some cases, a full replacement might be a better option.
Other considerations when arranging for the relocation of your panels may include the following:
Are they earthed? The earthing may have to be discarded and new materials used in re-earthing the panels at their new location. If the new location makes re-earthing an imperative, it may lead to increased relocating costs. Read more about earthing here.
What are the risks of accidents to those who will remove them? If the risk is substantial, harnesses or even a scaffold may need to be hired. This may increase costs.
Also, the state of the roofing is often taken into consideration. Is the roofing damaged, old or fragile? If the roofing is damaged or fragile, removing the panels will be more painstaking and take a much longer time. This may add to the relocation costs.
SolarKobo offers the best available solar panel relocation services in Lagos and anywhere in Nigeria at a reasonable price.